These are fantastic!! I must give this a go as well. I'm an awful closet perfectionist and often my breath is held and my bum is clenched so tight when I'm drawing/painting that I could pop out a diamond.

Not helpful. 😂

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Haha! That really made me laugh. X

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Your big paintings are wonderful, so much life and character in them! It’s such a good idea to switch to painting big - I’ll have to give it a go as I’ve been trying to find ways to bring that excited kid-like experience back into my drawing. Thanks so much for sharing your experience.

Ps - I’m a big fan of Orange Beak too!

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Thank you so much. Yes, do it!! It’s good to break up intense book work with something fun xx

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Very interesting read Heidi. It's so interesting how the process of making picture books can make our visual language get tighter and tighter.

Love your latest work you've shown! Good old Orange Beak.. aren't they fab! X

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Thank you so much, Polly. I really appreciate you reading this. You may be the only one. Ha! I still don't really know what I'm doing. xx

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I find also that painting and drawing very small formats with medium to big brushes and chunky crayons helps being more spontaneous in a certain way, when a tip of crayon/brush is too big to lend precisely where I intended. But I must try huge, as you say! (Until now A3 was the maximum for me.)

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